Cyber Security

The reality of Cyber Warfare that will turn your world Upside Down!

The story of Sony warfare attack! Cyberwarfare has been defined by Wikipedia as “actions by a nation-state to penetrate another nation’s computers or networks for the purposes of causing damage or disruption”. Most of such cyber-attacks in history were undeclared secretive operations by nations. However, such attacks can be performed by terrorist groups, extremists, hacktivists,…

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Everything you wanted to know on encryption and BitLocker!

Encryption is a process of coding plain text to create ciphertext to secure data. Symmetric Key Encryption This type of encryption uses the single shared key for:  -for encrypting information  -for decrypting information Symmetric encryption is very fast but managing the key is a challenge because if the key gets lost or stolen one can…

Learn about Update Management on Windows 10

Learn about Update Management on Windows 10

Microsoft periodically releases software updates (also known as patches) that are important for your software after release. Microsoft has product teams that are responsible for continually monitoring and improving their software through developing updates and resolving issues. These updates can prevent or fix problems, improve the performance of your computer or enhance your computer experience….


All you want to know about Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) Cables!

Unshielded Twisted Pair (UTP) cabling is used in the vast majority of wired computer networks these days as it specified cable type of 10/100/1000BaseT networks. Every computer network has different requirements in terms of bandwidth (the rate of transfer of data) and the appropriate category of UTP cable is selected from the following Categories :…

Duty Management

A guide to “Employee Duty Management Software”

This guide has been created to help small businesses to select appropriate “Duty Rostering Software” for their businesses.  Many small businesses have been scheduling the shifts of their employees on Microsoft Excel or are using Google Documents for that purpose.  If you are doing it you are spending your valuable time fighting fires, we suggest…

E-mail Protocols

Here’s What No One Tells You About Email Protocols!

POP3 & IMAP protocols are used to retrieve emails from and email server on a mobile, tablet or PC. Whereas SMTP is a protocol used for sending emails to email servers POP3 (Post Office Protocol) POP3 is abbreviation which stands for Post Office Protocol 3. It is a very simple protocol in the sense that…

Difference between Passive Matrix and Active Matrix LCDs?

Difference between Passive Matrix and Active Matrix LCDs?

CRT screens used in the past have completely been replaced by LCD screens on desktop computers as well as laptop computers. There are two important types of LCD screens popular in the technology area which are called Active Matrix LCDs and Passive Matrix LCDs. Let’s see the differences between them: Characteristics Passive Matrix LCD Active…

Mobile Device

Difference between hard reset and soft reset on mobile devices?

When your phone freezes, it could be annoying as the touchscreen could become unresponsive at times. In some cases, buttons do not register anything with the mobile phone. This could happen due to a variety of reasons and it is often very difficult for even techies to identify the exact reason behind it. Most technicians…

Difference between Fluorescent and LED backlighting ?

Difference between Fluorescent and LED backlighting ?

There are two types of backlighting technologies available used by LCDs. Fluorescent is an old technology that uses a tube (fluorescent tube) connected to circuitry (voltage inverter board) which brings LCD screens to life. On the other hand, LED backlighting is a new technology that uses a matrix of LED for backlighting. Now let’s see…